Java Chili (Piper retrofractum Vahl.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Sunday, March 23, 2014 0 komentar

    = P.longum, Bl. = P.officinarum, (Miq.), DC. = Chavica offi-cinarum, Miq. = C. maritime, Miq.


Chili Java is a plant native to Indonesia, planted in the yard, field, or grow wild in places where the land is not as humid and sandy near the beach or in the forest to a height of 600 m above sea level. Plants chronic, branching stems of wild, growing climbing; rnelilit, or reptiles with lekatnya roots, to a length of 10 m. Branching starts from the base hard, like wood. Single leaf, stemmed, ovate to oblong shape, rounded base, pointed tip, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, upper surface smooth, lower surface mottled, length 8.5 to 30 cm, width of 3-13 cm, green. Unisexual flowers, arranged in a grain that grows upright or slightly bowed, ears of grain males longer than females. Fruit compound in the form of grain, long round to cylindrical shape, the tip slightly smaller, surface uneven, bumpy regular, length 2-7 cm, diameter 4-8 mm, long-stemmed, young green, hard and spicy, then color successive amber and finally to red, soft and sweet. Seeds flat round, hard, blackish brown. Propagation by seed or stem cuttings.

Local Name:
Cabean, chili base, chili areuy, chili Java, c. sula (Java); Cabhi jhamo, ongghu chilli, chilli are perceived (Madura).; Lada long, chili Javanese long pepper (Sumatra).; Cabia (Napier). Long pepper (UK);

Curable Disease:
Stomach cramps, vomiting, flatulence, colic, dysentery, diarrhea,; Difficult bowel movements, headache, toothache, cough, fever; runny nose, impotence, difficult childbirth, neurastenia,; Low blood pressure, impaired digestion, arthritic goat, and not in pregnancy: uterine cold, clean the womb, the body weak; Stroke, low back pain, stomach cramps.;


Fruits that are old but not yet ripe, roots, and leaves, dried.

Fruit chili Java can be used to overcome:
- Stomach cramps, vomiting, flatulence, heartburn,
- Dysentery, diarrhea,
- Difficult bowel movements in patients with liver disease,
- Headache, toothache,
- Cough, fever,
- Runny nose,
- Impotence,
- Difficult birth,
- Neurastenia, and
- Low blood pressure.

The roots can be used to:
- Bloating, impaired digestion,
- Can not get pregnant because the uterus cold,
- Clean the uterus after delivery,
- Body feels weak,
- Stroke,
- Rheumatism, gout, and back pain.

The leaves can be used to treat:
- Stomach cramps and
- Toothache.

Fruit much as 2.5 to 5 g be a pill or boiled, and drunk. For external use, dried fruits dried and ground into powder. Dihirupkan powder through the nose or put tooth decay (caries dentis). Also used for rheumatism and parem after delivery.
Roots as much as 2.5 g boiled, or used as pills, powders. External use to cure wounds and toothache. Leaves for mouthwash in oral inflammation.

1. Neurastenia:
    Chili Java 6 points, 3 reed rhizome stems, rhizomes lempuyang
    3/4 fingers, 1 handful of fresh bitter leaf, palm sugar 3 fingers, washed
    and cut into pieces as needed. Boil 4 cups water
    until remaining 2 1/4 cups. After chilling filtered and drunk.
    3 times a day, each 3/4 cup.

2. Colds:
    Chili Java 3 eggs, leaf poko (Mentha arvensis L.) and leaves
    kesumba rivet (Bixa orellana L.), each 3/4 handheld, sugar
    3 finger palm. The material is washed and cut into pieces
    necessary. Boil 3 cups water until remaining 2 1/4
    glass. Once cool strain and drink 3 times a day @ 3/4 cup.

3. Clean the uterus after delivery, a powerful drug:
    Root dry chili Java 3 g finely ground. Brewed with
    hot water, warm drink as well.

4. Disturbed digestion, cough, epilepsy, fever after childbirth, strengthens larnbung, lung and heart:
    Fruit dried chili Java 5 g finely ground. Add
    honey to taste, stirring evenly, then drink as well.

5. Toothache:
    a. Leaves a fresh chili Java cm 3 pieces are washed and
       pounded. Pour 1/2 cup hot water. While warm
       filtered, the water used to rinse out his mouth.
    b. Roots chewed intently for a moment, and then discarded.

6. Stomach cramps:
    Leaves of fresh chili Java cm 3 pieces washed and crushed.
    Pour 1 cup of hot water. While warm filtered Ialu
    drink as well

7. Enema for liver disease:
    Cabe Jawa 3 eggs and thumb-sized rhizome lempuyang
    pounded. Add 1 tablespoon of boiled water while stirring
    flat, then squeeze and strain. The water is drunk.

8. Fever:
    Dried fruits as much as 3 g finely ground and brewed with
    1/2 cup hot water. Then drink with pulp while

NOTE: Patients with heartburn and pregnant women are prohibited from taking this herb.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological fruit taste spicy and hot, spleen and stomach meridians entered. Spicy chili Java roots and warm taste. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Fruit spicy chili Java contains piperine, chavicine, palmitic acids, tetrahydropiperic acids, 1-undecylenyl-3 ,4-methylenedioxy benzene, piperidine, rninyak volatile, isobutyideka-trans-2-trans-4-dienamide, and sesamin. Piperine has power antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and suppress the central nervous system. The root contains piperine, piplartine, and piperlonguniinine.

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Cayenne pepper (cabe Rawit) (Capsicum frutescens L.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar

    C. , Fastigiatum BL, C. minimum Roxb.


Crop cultivation, sometimes planted in the garden as a vegetable or plant growing wild in fields and vacant land are abandoned. These plants originated from tropical America, like the dry, and is found at an altitude of 0.5 to 1250 m asl. Shrubs year, branching many, 50-100 cm tall. Jointed trunk or upper-book angle. Single leaf, stemmed, alternating the location. Leaf blade ovate, pointed tip, base narrow, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, 5 to 9.5 cm long, 1.5 to 5.5 cm wide, green. Flowers out of the armpit leaves, crown shape stars, single flower or 2-3 adjacent flowers, white, white-green, sometimes purple. The fruit buni, erect, sometimes duck, egg-shaped, straight or curved, tapered tip, 1-3 cm long, 2.5 to 12 mm wide, long-stemmed, and spicy taste. Young fruit dark green, greenish white, or white, fruit masa.k bright red. Seeds many, flat round, 2 to 2.5 mm in diameter, dirty yellow. Cayenne pepper consists of three varieties, namely cengek leutik the fruit is small, green, and stand upright on the stem; cengek sheep (cengek bodas) whose fruit is greater than cengek leutik, young fruit is white, after parents became orange, and ceplik the large fruit, green when young and after dark to red. The fruit is used as a vegetable, spices, pickles, and pickled. Young leaves can be steamed to pepper lalap.Cabal can be propagated by seed.

Local Name:
NAME OF Sumatra: leudeuaarum, l. PENTEK (Gayo), situdu sky, Lacina sipane (Simelungmz), pepper limi (Nias), l. mutia (Malay). Java: chili, c. cengek (SLCnda), chilli jempling, l. jemprit, l. pepper, l. gambier, l. Satan, l. cempling (Java), cabhi letek, c. taena manok (Madc, RRA). Nusa Tenggara: Tabia krinyi (Bali), thin (Alor). Sulawesi: kaluya ship (bent.), Mareta dodi (Mongond.), malita Diti (Gorontalo), m. didi (Buol), pepper masiwu (Baree), l. marica, l. capa, lasso Meyong (Mak.), 1. Meyong, burica field, l. marica (Bug.), smooth rica, r. rice (Manado). Maluku: Abrisan grave (Seram), karatupa batawe (Elpaputi), katupu walata (Waraka), araputa patawe (Atamano), kalapita batawi (Amahai), karatuba manesane (Nuaulu), karatupa. batawi (Sepcc), maricang kekupe (Veda), rica gufu (Ternate). Guinea: metrek wakfoh (Sarmi), basen ground (Barik). NAME OF FOREIGN La jiao (C), cayenne peper (B), piment de cayenne (P), piment Enrage, guineapfeffer (J), pasites, sili (Tag.), cayenne, chilli (I). NAME Simplisia frutescentis Fructus capsici (fruit cayenne pepper).

Curable Disease:
Chili spicy taste, its hot, get in meridian heart and pancreas. This plant is nutritious tonic, powerful stimulant to the heart and blood flow, antirheumatic, destroy blood clots (anticoagulants), increased appetite (stomakik), stimulating the skin (if rubbed on the skin will cause a burning sensation. So, is used as a liniment mixture), laxative fart (carminative), sweating bullets (diaforetik), laxative saliva, and laxative urine (diuretic). Cayenne fruit extract has power drag on the growth of Candida albicans. Cabal pepper extract inhibition of 1 mg / ml equivalent to 6.20 mcg / ml nystatin in formamid (Tyas Ekowati Prasetyoningsih, FF UNAIR, 1987).


All parts of the plant can be used as medicinal plants, such as berries, roots, leaves, and stems.

Cabal pepper is used for:
increase appetite,
normalize the legs and arms were limp,
cough with phlegm,
sense of nasal congestion relief for sinusitis,

For drugs taken, cayenne fruit is used as needed. In this case can be boiled or cayenne pepper powder and pills made.
For external use, poached fruit cayenne pepper to taste, and the steam is used to heat parts of the body or ground cayenne until smooth, then turapkan to parts of the body, such as rheumatism, aching fingers because of the cold (frosbite). The mill leaves diturapkan to the hospital is used to treat stomach pain and ulcers.


Legs and arms limp (like lame)
Provide two cayenne root weevil, 15 pairs of chicken feet were cut off just above the knee, 60 g peanuts, and 6 grains hung cao. Clean up the materials and cut into pieces as needed. Add water and wine as much until the ingredients completely submerged (approximately 1 cm above it). Furthermore, these herbs team. Once cool, strain and filter drinking water, twice a day, each half of the herb.

Wash the taste of fresh young leaves, and grind until smooth. Add a little whiting and stir until blended. Apply these ingredients abdominal pain.

Milled 10 pieces of cayenne pepper until smooth. Add 1/2 teaspoon of whiting and the juice of an orange juice, then stir until smooth. Apply these herbs on the sick body.

Discard seeds some fresh cayenne fruit, and grind until smooth, Secondly smeared to a hospital.

People with digestive disorders, sore throat, and sore eyes is recommended to not eat chili.
Spicy taste on the tongue cause stimulation to the brain to release endorphins (endogenous opiates) to relieve pain and induce a feeling healthier.
The results of a recent study, cayenne pepper can reduce the likelihood of blood clots (thrombosis), lower cholesterol levels by reducing the production of cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver.
In the reproductive system, the thermal properties of cayenne pepper can relieve tension and pain due to poor blood circulation. Moreover, the content of which is high in antioxidants (such as vitamin C and beta carotene), cayenne pepper can be used to overcome infertility (infertility), aphrodisiac, and slow the aging process.

The fruit contain capsaicin, kapsantin, carotenoids, volatile alkaloids, resins, oils evaporate, vitamins (A and C). Capsaicin gives chili spicy taste, nutritious blood flow and skin pematirasa. Seeds contain solanine, solamidine, solamargine, solasodine, solasomine, and steroid saponins (kapsisidin). Kapsisidin efficacious as antibiotics.

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Cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar




The chili came from tropical America, spread from Mexico to northern South America. In Indonesia, Cabal generally cultivated in coastal areas to the mountains, only occasionally wild. Shrubs erect, 1 to 2.5 m, a year or chronic. Woody stems, jointed-books, branching wide, triangular cross-section, smooth-haired young stems are green. Single leaves, stemmed (0.5 to 2.5 cm in length), the location of spread. Leaf blade ovate to elliptic shape, pointed tip, base tapering, flat edge, peutulangan pinnate, 1.5 to 12 cm long, 1-5 cm wide, green. Single flower, star-shaped, white, out of the armpit leaves. The fruit buni elongated conical, straight or curved, tapered at the edges, hanging, polished surface, the diameter of 1-2 cm, 4-17 cm long, short beutangkai, spicy taste. Young fruit dark green to bright red after cooking. The young seeds are yellow, after dark to brown, flat-shaped, about 4 mm in diameter. Spicy fruit flavors that can shed tears that kiss people, but people still need to increase appetite. Biodiversity chili is quite high. That is, the red Cabal has several varieties and cultivars are distinguished berdasai the shape, size, sharpness, and color of the fruit. Red Cabal can be propagated by seed.

Local Name:
NAME OF Sumatra: Campli, capli (Aceh), ekiji-kiji, kidi-kidi (Enggano), leudeu (Gayo), Lacina (Batak Karo), lasiak, lasina (Toba Batak), pepper sebua (Nias), raro sigoiso ( Mentawai), Lado (Minangkabau), cabi (Lampung), chilli, lasinao (Malay). Java: chili, chilli, Sabrang (Sunda), chilli, mengkreng, chilli (Java), cabhi (Madura), Tabia (Bali): Nusa Tenggara: Sebia (Sasak), the saha, Sabia (Bima), mbaku hau (Sumba) , koro (Flores), Hili (MPA). Borneo: sahang (Banjar), rada (Sampit), sambatu (Ngaju). Sulawesi: rica (Mana-do), can (Sangir), Mareta (Mongondow), malita (Gorontalo), pepper (Napier), fields (Bugis). Maluku: overseas (Seram), siri (Ambon), Kastela (Buru), maricang (Halmahera), rica Lamo (Ternate, Tidore), maresen (Kalawat), rihapuan (Kapaon), riksak (Sarmi), ungun gunah (Berik) . NAME OF FOREIGN La chiao (C), spaanse peper (B), piment, guinea pepper, cayenne pepper, red pepper (I), poivre long (P), beisbeere, spanischer Pfeffer (J). NAME Simplisia Fructus capsici (red chilies).

Curable Disease:
Chili spicy taste, its hot. Fruit efficacious stimulants, increased appetite (stomakik), sweating bullets (diaforetik), stimulating the skin, and as a liniment.


The part used is fruit and leaves.

The fruit is used for the treatment of rheumatism, ulcers, toothache,: influenza, and improve appetite.
The sap of young leaves are used to: facilitate childbirth.

For drugs taken, boiled or 0.5 to 1 g dried fruit, then blend to a powder.
For external use, boiled 0.5 to 1 g of fruit and boiled water is used as a medicine pack. In addition, the chilies can be mixed with other ingredients for liniment. The sap of young leaves are used for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, and toothaches.

Pour 10 g of powder of red chilies 1/2 cup hot water. Stir until smooth and let stand a few minutes. Results seduhannya smeared on the body of the sick.

Sores, ulcers
Apply vegetable oil on some leaves of chili, then layukan over low heat. Paste the chili leaves while warm on the skin of the injured.

Fruit contain capsaicin, dihidrokapsaisin, vitamins (A, C), resins, dyes kapsantin, carotene, kapsarubin, zeasantin, kriptosantin, lutein clan. Moreover, it also contains minerals, such as iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and niacin. Active substance capsaicin efficacious as a stimulant. If someone is eating too much capsaicin will cause a burning sensation in the mouth and tears.

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