Ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus [L.] Skeels.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Wednesday, July 23, 2014 0 komentar

    = P.distichus Muell. Arg. = P.cicca Muell. Arg., = Cicca disticha, Linn. = C.nodiflora.


This tree is originally from India, the land can turnbuh mild to severe and resistant to lack or excess of water. Ceremai many people planted in the yard, in the fields and other places to a height of 1,000 m above sea level. Small tree, to 10 m tall, sometimes more. Many branching, thick bark. Leaves single, short-stemmed, arranged in series such as leaf stalk forming compound. Leaves round to oblong eggs, pointed tip, base obtuse to rounded, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, smooth hairless, length 2-7 cm, width 1.5 to 4 cm, light green color. Stalk when autumn will leave a real branch. Inflorescence a cluster length from 1.5 to 12 cm, out along the branches, petals form a star,, pink crown. There are male

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Clove (Syzygium aromaticum, (Linn.) Merr.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar

    Syzygium Perry. Eugenia caryophyllata, Thumberg. E.caryophyllus, Sprengel. Caryophyllus aromaticus, Linn. Jambos carryhophyllus, Spreng.


Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) including herbaceous plant species that can have a large tree trunk and woody hard, cloves can survive tens and even hundreds of years old, height can reach 20 -30 meters and quite dense branches. The branches of the plant cloves are generally long and filled with small twigs are easily broken. Crown or also commonly called conical clove tree canopy. Clove leaf green elongated oval with the ends and angled panggkalnya, have average widths ranging from 2-3 cm long and leaves without stalks range 7.5 -12.5 cm.

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Sandalwood (Santalum album L)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar

    Verum Santalum L. Santalum myrti folium Roxb. Sirium myrtifolium L


Plant a tree height between 12 and 15 meters. Coarse woody leather, gray. Easy autumn leaves. Growing up in a hot and dry land, on the ground that a lot of chalk. Parts Used Wood.

Local Name:
LOCAL NAME: Candana (Minangkabau) Tindana, Sindana (Dayak); Candana (Sunda); Candana, Candani (Java); Candhana, Candhana lakek (Madura); Candana (BeIitung); Ai nitu; Fund (Sumbawa); Wood ata ( FIores); Sundana (Sangir); Sondana (North Sulawesi); Ayu luhi (Gorontalo); Candana (Napier); Ai nituk (Bread); Hau meni, Ai kamelin (East); Kamenir (Wetar); Maoni (Kisar) NAME FOREIGN: NAME Simplisia Lignum Santali; Sandalwood. Oleum Santali; Oil Sandalwood.

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Cempaka Putih (Michelia alba Dc.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar



Plant a tree to 30 feet tall. Woody stems; single leaf, oval, green color. Flowers are white, fragrant smell. Not been fruitful. Vegetatively propagated. Parts Used Flowers, leaves, and roots.

Local Name:
LOCAL NAME: Jeumpa Gadeng (Aceh); Cempaka putieh (Minangkabau); Campaka bodas (Sunda); Pecari white, white Cempaka (Java); Campaka pote (Madura); Cempaka mawure (North Sulawesi); Flowers misspelled kebo, Patene (Edge of view); Flower misspelled mapute (Bugis); Capaka bobudo (Ternate); Capaka bobulo (Tidore). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia Micheliae albae Flos; Flower Cempaka Putih.

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Cempaka Yellow (Miche! he champaca L.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Monday, July 14, 2014 0 komentar



Tree, 15-25 m tall. Haired twig ends. Leaves ovate lanceolate shape, with a pointed tip and base, 10-28 times from 4.5 to 11 cm, thin as skin. The former leaves the fulcrum on petiole length more than half of the leaf stalk. Flower stand alone, orange, fragrant sanget. Leaves 3-5 cm long flower tent, the inner narrower and more pointed than the outer. On the base of the pole-shaped flowers, ovary and stamens clearly separated by a space.

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Gulp (Quisqualis indica L.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Sunday, July 13, 2014 0 komentar

    Quisqualis sinensis Lindl. Quisqualis vilosa Roxb.


Plants twisted to the left or to climb, from 1.5 to 5 m high. Leaves more or less craggy face, too scattered; stalks 0.5 to 2 cm; strands elongate ovoid, 5 to 18.5 times from 2.5 to 9 cm. Interest in the end and in the armpit in many flowering grain; patron leaves fall off before blooming or remains, to a length of 2 cm. Flowers are unisexual 2. Petal tube direct, short-haired,

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Calingcing (Oxalis corniculata Linn.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Monday, July 7, 2014 0 komentar

    Oxalis acetosella, Blanco, Oxalis cornculata, Miq. Oxalis javanica, Bl, Oxalis repens, Thunb.


Plants creeping or upright height of 5-35 cm, grows wild in moist places, open or shady side of the street or the grass. On the island there are vast vegetation from the coast to the mountains with an altitude of 3,000 meters above sea level. Having a soft stems and branches. Compound leaves three children menjari heart shaped leaves with light green color. Flowers out of the armpit leaves, yellow umbrella-shaped pieces. Fruit oblong box form, erect, the edges like beak, brown when ripe red that broke when touched.

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Chicken Claw (Selaginella doederleinii Hieron.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar



Including the division Pteridophyta, ferns plant is growing on cliffs, ravines, and shady places that are cold. Stems erect, 15-35 cm, exit root branching. Small leaves, length of 4-5 mm, a width of 2 mm, oblong shape, tapered tip, flat base, the color of the upper leaves dark green, light green bottom. Leaves arranged on either side of trunk mains to kepercabangannya, which resembles chicken scratch with her scales.

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