Dadap Chicken (Erythirna variegata L. Var .. Orientalist (L.) Merr)

Posted by Imam Syafei Monday, August 11, 2014 0 komentar

    Erythirna variegata L. Var .. Orientalists (L.) Merr

    Papillionaceae (Leguminosae).

Trees that shed leaves, 1-25 m tall. Stems and twigs mostly thorny paste. Shaft leaves with long stalks 10-40 cm, no barbed paste; young leaves oval inverted triangle or rhombus shape with a blunt edge, flat edge, rarely curved slightly; son leaves the tip of the largest, 9-25 times 10-30 cm . Bunches of flowers in addition, at the end of the bare twigs or existing young leaves. Patron leaves quickly fall. Flowers three-three on the bulge; children stalks 0.5 to 1 cm. Petals finally splitting in such midrib; flags from 5.5 to 8 times less than 8 cm, short nails, no white stripes; wings appeared on Iuar petals, 1.5 to 2.5 cm in length; paid more or less the same length, loose leaf , dirty red. Ovary hairy, meeting stemmed. Legumes above the rest of the petals on the stem 1.5 to 3 cm in length, narrowed between the seeds, 10-25 times about 2 cm; outer wall can be separated from the wall and irregular opening. Seeds 1-12, about 2 cm long. On the beach or the area behind the edge of the mouth of the river; well maintained up to 1,200 m. Part Used Leaves, bark, roots, and seeds.

Local Name:
LOCAL NAME: Blendung. Dadap blendung (Sunda), Dadap chicken, sea Dadap (Java); Theutheuk (Madura); Galala kokotu (Ternate); Lola kohori (Tidore). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia Erythrinae variegatae Folium; Leaves Dadap Chicken.

Curable Disease:
TYPICAL PROPERTIES bitter, cool, and clean the blood. USSAGE Expectorants, antipyretic, antelmintik, and insektisid RESEARCH Derizar Deniska, 1993. Department of Pharmacy, Faculty UNAND. Advisor: Dra. Asmi Ilyas, Apt. and Dr. Injomanoto, DMM, M.Sc. Has researched the antimicrobial effect of leaf extracts of some chicken Dadap ulcer-causing bacteria in vitro. From this research, it turns out cider stew, chloroform fraction and residual fraction can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus albus, Streptococcus beta hemolyticus Saureuos and Pseudomonaf aeruginosa.


-Irregular Menstruation.
-Facilitating breastfeeding.
-Difficulty sleeping.
-Inflammation (topical).
Pain-skin (topical).

-Rheumatism (topical).
-Broken bones (topical).

Herbs and dosages

Irregular Menstruation
Some leaves and few flowers Dadap chicken pieces, made of vegetables. Eaten as a vegetable.

Facilitating breastfeeding
Dadap leaf chicken and coconut milk to taste, made a suitable vegetable. Eaten as a vegetable.

Some leaves Dadap Chicken and Watercress herb made vegetable. Eaten as a vegetable.

Chicken Dadap bad seeds. Dadap seeds thinly cut chicken used for chicken poison.

Alkaloids eritralina, erisotiofina, kholina, betaine, erisovina, hepaforina, fatty oils, and resins.

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Ciplukan (Physalis peruviana, Linn.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Sunday, August 3, 2014 0 komentar

    Physalis angulata. Linn. Physalis minina, Linn.


Ciplukan Plant (Physalis minina) is a wild plant, a bush / shrub is low (typically up to 1 meter tall) and has a life of approximately 1 year. This plant thrives in lowland until height of 1550 meters above sea level, spread over moor land, dry fields, and can be found in the forests of teak. The flowers are yellow, round fruit and yellowish green when young, but when old brown with acids taste sweet. Ciplukan the young fruit is protected cangkap (veil covering the fruit).

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cincau (Cylea barbata, Miers.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar



Plant Cincau (Cylea barbata) including trunked plant vines, circumference diameter rods, coarse bark and prickly. Long stems are able to reach dozens of feet and leaves the surface with a shield-shaped surface with fur. Berwara yellow flowers of this plant with red stone fruit has an oval shape. These plants are often found in open areas of forest or bush edge, but there are also maintained in shrubs and vines,. But there are also kept creeping in hedgerows. Cincau plants suitable to grow in areas that have a height of less than 1000 meters above sea level.

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