Sugar palm
(Arenga pinnata (Wurmb.) Merr.)
Arenga sacchrifera Labill.
Arecaceae (Palmae).
No barbed paste. Trunk to 25 m tall and 65 cm diameter, some quite long leafy stem, leaf midrib beneath the edges are tattered fibers break down into black. Petiole up to 1.5 m, leaf blade length up to 5 m. Child leaves up to 145 times 7 cm, the bottom was a layer of wax. Monoecious, cob cob females with males 2.5 m in length. Cob branched once; side branch length of 1.5 m. Male flowers in pairs, 12-15 mm long; many stamens. Female flowers stand alone, nearly round ball; would bear fruit 3, with 3 anthers. Fruit buni round bullets, with end dented inwards, 4 cm diameter, bears 3, seed 3. The whole of Java, in the forest or planted; 1-1400 m. Note: Also known as the long Arenga saccharifera Labill. Virtually all parts of the plant used; roots for plaiting materials and to whip, rod cut to gutter (drains), walking-sticks and wood for rafter roof, pondoh to eat rice vegetables, skeleton leaves for brooms and kranjang, young leaves to replace the cigarette paper, midrib fibers for rope fibers, for critical, kranjang, brooms, brushes, porch made "sago". extracted from male flowers cob liquids containing sugar, which then made sugar (sugar Java), if dikhamirkan produce sago water, wine or vinegar; made sweets and edible seeds (to and fro). portion used Tuak / legen (the fermentation of water rates) and roots.
Local Name:
LOCAL NAME: juk Bak, Bak seat (Aceh); Pattern, Paula, Bagot, Agaton, Bargot (Batak); Anau, Biluluk (Minangkabau); Kawung, Taren (Sunda); Aren, Lirang, bear (Java); Jaka, Hano (BaIi), Meka (MPA); Moke, Huwat (FIores); Akel, Akere, Koito, Akol, Ketan (MPA); Inru (Bugis); Bole (Bread); SEHO (Ternate). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia: Arengae pinnatae Radix; Root Aren.
Curable Disease:
Diuretics USSAGE.
Tuak / legend:
Herbs and dosages
Kidney Stones:
Root Aren 2 grams
Leaves Keji beling 3 grams
Reed Root 3 grams
Herba Meniran 3 grams
Water 20 ml
How to manufacture:
Created infusion.
How to use
Drink 1 a day, 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days or until bntu kidney out. Treatment was stopped after the rock out of rock, sand, or grains. Furthermore, drinking boiled leaves and herbs Meniran Cats Whisker, tea instead of water.
Constipation and Sprue:
Legen drink like other refreshments.
Wine: sugar and fatty oils.