Leaves Farts (Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr.)
Sunday, November 29, 2015
= P. chinensis Hance. = P. foetida
Auct. = P. foetida, Linn. = P. tomentosa, Bl.
Annual herbs, trunked climbing, woody base, 3-5 m long. Growing
wild in the open field, shrubs or river bank, sometimes propagated fenced yard
as a medicinal plant and can be found from 1-2. 1 00 m dpi. Single leaf,
stemmed 1-5 cm in length, lies face, round shape to an oval or lancet eggs.
Heart-shaped leaf base, pointed tip, flat edge, 3 to 12.5 cm long, 2-7 cm wide,
upper surface hairy or bald, bone pinnate leaves, when crushed smelling fart.
The flowers are arranged in panicles compound interest, out of the armpit
leaves or branching ends. Petals white, inner tube dark purple. Fruit round,
yellow, shiny, 4-6 mm long. Leaves eaten as Ialab or disayur. Propagation by
stem cuttings or seeds.
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