Buni (Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng.)
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
(Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng.)
Fruit trees, 15-30 m tall. Trunked trees were scattered in
Southeast Asia and Australia, in Java, grows wild in the forest or planted in the
yard and can be found from the lowlands to 1,400 m dpi. Leaves single,
short-stemmed, shape. breech ovate to lanceolate, 9-25 cm long, slightly wavy
edge flat, pointed tip, base obtuse. Young leaves light green color, after
parents became dark green. Bunni married two flowers in bunches, out of the
armpit leaves or on the stems. Small fruit is about 1 cm long, elliptical shape
in green, purple-black biia cook a sweet and slightly sour taste. Seed flat
with rib-shaped nets. Young leaves taste slightly acidic, can be eaten raw or
disayur lalab. Dirujak young fruit with other fruits, while the cook can be
eaten directly, extracted with brandy, made jam or syrup. The leaves oteh maker
called mojar herbs, usually used to mix herbs health. Propagation by seed or
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