Buni (Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Tuesday, December 25, 2012 0 komentar
    (Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng.)



Fruit trees, 15-30 m tall. Trunked trees were scattered in Southeast Asia and Australia, in Java, grows wild in the forest or planted in the yard and can be found from the lowlands to 1,400 m dpi. Leaves single, short-stemmed, shape. breech ovate to lanceolate, 9-25 cm long, slightly wavy edge flat, pointed tip, base obtuse. Young leaves light green color, after parents became dark green. Bunni married two flowers in bunches, out of the armpit leaves or on the stems. Small fruit is about 1 cm long, elliptical shape in green, purple-black biia cook a sweet and slightly sour taste. Seed flat with rib-shaped nets. Young leaves taste slightly acidic, can be eaten raw or disayur lalab. Dirujak young fruit with other fruits, while the cook can be eaten directly, extracted with brandy, made jam or syrup. The leaves oteh maker called mojar herbs, usually used to mix herbs health. Propagation by seed or grafting.

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Small Bungur (Lagerstroemia indicct L.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar
Small Bungur
    (Lagerstroemia indicct L.)

    L. chinevsis L.


Typically, small Bungur grown as an ornamental plant in the garden and in the home page or can be found as a wild plant on the edge of the cliffs and forest. These plants originated from China and Korea. Shrubs or small trees, 2-7 m tall, arching branches, tree brown, smooth and somewhat shiny. Leaves single, short-stemmed, alternate location. Leaf blade elliptic or elongated shape, blunt tip, base wedge, flat edge, dark green, 2-7 cm long, 1-4 cm wide. Compound interest form panicle, 10-50 cm long, wavy edge petals, red, white, or purple, out of the end of the stem or axillary panicles. The fruit is slightly rounded, 9-13 mm long, 8-11 mm wide. Small Bungur can be propagated by seed.

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Bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa Pers.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Monday, December 17, 2012 0 komentar
    (Lagerstroemia speciosa Pers.)

    L. reginae Roxb., L. flos-reginae Retz., L. loudoni T. Breakfast, Adanzbea Lamk glabra.


Bungur can be found in the teak forests, both on the ground and in the fertile soil of arid forest trunked heterogeneous high. Sometimes, Lagerstroemia planted as an ornamental tree or a shade tree on the roadside. In Java, Lagerstroemia can grow to a height of 800 m above sea level. In addition, Lagerstroemia are found at altitudes below 300 m. Tree, 10-30 m tall. Stem round, branching from the base, light brown. Leaves single, short-stemmed. Leaf blade oval, elliptical, or elongated, thick as leather, 9-28 cm long, lebar4-12 cm, dark green. Purple compound interest, arranged in panicles 10-50 cm long, out of the armpit leaves or the end of the branch. Fruit boxes, spherical to elongated round, 2 to 3.5 cm long, 3-7 bears, young fruit is green, after cooking to brown. Seed size is quite large, flattened, winged tip of a knife-shaped, blackish brown. . Bungur can be propagated by seed.

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Brotowali (Tinospora crispa (L.) Miers.hen jin t)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar
    (Tinospora crispa (L.) Miers.hen jin t)

    Tinospora rumphii, Boerl. T. tuberculata Beumee. Cocculus crispus, DC. Menispermum verrucosum. M.crispum, Linn. M.tuberculatum, Lamk.


Wild plants in the forest, or planted yard field fence. Commonly grown as a medicinal plant. Love the hot spot, including shrubs, climbing, plant height up to 2.5 m. Trunk of your little finger, berbintil-nodule bitter meeting. Single leaf, stemmed, heart-shaped or slightly budar eggs pointy toes, long 7-12 cm, width of 5-10 cm. Flowers are small, light green, shaped bunches false. Propagated by cuttings.

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Sunflower (Helianthus annuus Linn.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Sunday, December 16, 2012 0 komentar
    (Helianthus annuus Linn.)



Herba Anual (umumya short, less than a year), erect, hairy, tall 1-3 m, planted on the lawn and gardens gets enough sunlight, as an ornamental plant. Including trunked plants moist, heart-shaped leaves of a single, large flower / flower bowls, with a crown-shaped ribbon along the edge of the cup, yellow, and in between there are small flowers are tubular, brown color.

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Flower Knobs (Gomphrena globose Linn.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Wednesday, December 12, 2012 0 komentar

Flower Knobs
    (Gomphrena globose Linn.)



Annual herb, height 60 cm. or more, hairless. Planted in the yard as an ornamental plant or grow wild in the fields gets enough sunlight to a height of approximately 1400 m. from sea level, comes from America and Asia. Green stem reddish, hairy, branching increases in segment, sitting opposite leaves, stalks, leaf shape to elongated ovoid breech, with 5-10 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, green-haired tapered tip at the top of the rough and smooth bottom, white hair color. Flowers hump shape, color purplish crimson, like a ball. (There are white).

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Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Wednesday, December 5, 2012 0 komentar
     (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)


     Papilionaceae (Leguminosae).

Shrubs erect or twisted, parrjang 0.3 to 3 m. Leverage leaves remain attached to the old. Child leaves ovate, with rounded base, pointed, hairy both sides, 4-9 cm 5-13 times. Bunches of flowers sits in the armpit, with 1-2 partner interest. Stalk massive bunches, as high as 6 cm, often short Iebih. Children under the protective leaf petals 3-9 mm long. Petals 5-8 mm high,

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Fruit Miss (Annona reticulata L.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Monday, December 3, 2012 0 komentar
Fruit Miss
    (Annona reticulata L.)

    Annona asiatica Lour. Annona longifolia Sesse et Moc.

    Annonaceae (Anacardiaceae).

Trees or shrubs, 3-7 m tall, all parts of a very strong smell when crushed. Leaves extending to form Ianset, 9-30 times from 3.5 to 7 cm, pretty limp, flat edge. Interest in this short essay, flowering 2-10. Leaf bud petals arranged in a valve, a small triangle, at the base together. Fleshy outer petals are very thick, 2-3 cm in length, from the yellowish-white, with a hollow base finally purple. The petals are very small. Basic interest rate rises. Many stamens, white.

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Fruit Napier (Brucea javanica [L.] Merr.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Sunday, December 2, 2012 0 komentar
Fruit Napier
    (Brucea javanica [L.] Merr.)

    B. amarissima, Desv., B. gracilis DC., B. sccnaatrana Roxb., Goraus amarissima Lour., Lus. sa arnarissirna O. Ktze., Rlzus javanica L.


Macassar fruit growing wild in the forest, sometimes planted as a hedge plant: Fruit Makasar grow at an altitude of 1-500 m asl. Shrubs erect, chronic, 1 to 2.5 m tall, smooth-haired yellow. The leaves form an odd pinnate compound leaves, number of children 5-13 leaves, stemmed, lies face. Strands child lancet-shaped leaves elongated, pointed tip, base wedge-shaped, coarsely toothed edges, the upper surface green, lower surface pale green, 5-10 cm long, 2-4 cm wide.................

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Brojo Latitude (Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Saturday, December 1, 2012 0 komentar
Brojo Latitude
    (Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC.)

    Belamcanda Moenich punctata. Pardanthus chinensis (L.) Ker. Gawl.


An upright shrub with creeping rhizomes; 1-1.5 m high. Leaves clear 2 line, which divides the base form of the stem height, the shape of the sloping lines or lancet, bluish green, edged transparent, the lowest 2-4 cm 30-60 times, a little high and a little distant. Rod-shaped branched panicles up to average, there is only the tip of the flower stalk. Small flower spathe, flowering 6-12. Child flower stalks 2-4 cm, no loss. Leaves nails flower tent, elongated, length 2.5 to 3.5 cm, from the outside edge of the yellow to orange, from the orange with a dark red stain; 3 the outermost of the largest, at the base there is a dark purple honey flow. Bakai short beaked fruit. Pistil stalk longer than the stamens, unbranched again. Fruit rarely develop in Java, elongated, rectangular 3 grooved, broken out by space berkatup 3, height 12 cm. From East Asia; plants bias, also wild; 1-2000 m. Used part Root.

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Boroco (Celosia argentea Linn.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar
    (Celosia argentea Linn.)

    Celosia linearis, Sweet. Celosia magaritacea, Linn.


Grows erect, 30-100 cm. Growing wild on the side of the road, the edge of the ditch, abandoned terrain. Round rods with rough grooves elongated, branched, green or red. Leaf color was green and there was a red, elongated oval shape, pointed tip, finely serrated edge is almost flat. Flowers form of grain length 3 10 cm, pink / purple, black beans a bit brighter, the flowers grow at the ends of branches.

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