Alang Alang
(Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.)
Lagurus cylindricus L. , Imperata arundinacea Cirillo.
Description:Stature: herb, grass, edging, 30-180 cm tall. Trunk: rhizome, creeping underground stems forming an inflorescence erect, dense, sparse hair on his book. Leaves:
single, base close to each other, strands; ribbon-shaped, sharp pointed
tip, straight, coarse, sparse hair, size 12-80 cm. x 35-18 cm. Flowers:
composition compound compound grains, rather furl, 6-28 cm long, each
branch has two ears, a branch from 2.5 to 5 cm long, flowers 1-3 mm,
gluma 1; tip of ciliated, 3-6 veins, Lemma 1 (husk); wide oval, short cilia from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. Lemma 2 (husk), elongated, tapering from 0.5 to 2.5 mm. Palea (Husk), 0.75 to 2 mm. Stamens: anthers 2.5 to 3.5 mm, yellowish white or purple. Pistil: feather-shaped anthers. Fruit: type of rice. Seed: elliptic, 1 mm long. Flowering Time: January to December. Regional
distribution, Habitat and Cultivation: In Java grows at altitudes up to
2700 m above sea level, in the areas of open or half-closed; marshes;
soils with good aeration: in depleted areas open; river; extensive secondary forest; burnt areas are as a weed in cultivation; gardens and plantations. This plant cultivation can affect other plants, because of the relatively high sodium requirement. Multiplication: multiply by itself. Every time the rhizomes are harvested from plants that have matured. Rhizome pale good, taste sweet and cool. Menuyebabkan reeds can decrease soil pH. The magnitude of decrease in pH and resistance to nitrification showed a positive correlation with the growth of reeds.