Anyang Anyang (Elaeocarpus grandiflorus J.Sm,)

Posted by Imam Syafei Wednesday, October 24, 2012 0 komentar
Anyang Anyang
(Elaeocarpus grandiflorus J.Sm,)


Description:Trees with etage shape, height 6-26 m. Stemmed leaves, crowded at the end of twigs, shape lanceolate, gradually turning the shaft, 5-20 times 1-5 cm, glabrous, such as the skin, not the jagged beringgit; an old red fire. 

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Earring (Acalypha australis Linn.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Saturday, October 20, 2012 0 komentar
(Acalypha australis Linn.)


Description:Seasonal Herbs, erect. hair. Stem height 30-50 cm. branched, with rough longitudinal line. Growing up on the sidewalk, the grass, the mountain slopes. Leaves alternate layout rounded oval shape to lanceolate, the tip and base of the leaf pointed, serrated edge, a length of 2.5 - 8 cm, width 1.5 to 3.5 cm. Flowers unisexual and monoecious, out of the armpit leaves, small flowers in a panicle series. The fruit is small. The root of this plant is very popular dog and cat.

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Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus Willd.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar

(Pterocarpus indicus Willd.)

Pterocarpus flavus Lour. Pterocarpus Blco pallidus.

Papilionaceae (Leguminosae).
Description:Tree, 10-40 m tall. Haired twig ends. Leverage leaves lanceolate shape, 1-2 cm long. Leaves alternate. Leaflets 5-13, oval elongated, tapered, blunt, shiny once, 4-10 times from 2.5 to 5 cm; children stalk lk 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Bunches of flowers at the end and sit on armpits, little or no branching, brown-haired, many flowering, 7-11 cm long; children stalks 0.5 to 1.5 cm; flowers are very fragrant. Calyx bell-shaped to form a tube, scalloped 5, lk 7 mm high. Orange-yellow crown. Clawed petals; fields Iingkaran flag shape or inverted oval, pleated strong, arched back, diameter approximately 1 cm; keel shorter than the wings, pale. Ovary bushy-haired, short-stemmed, ovules 2-6. Stemmed leguminous above the rest of the petals, almost round the circle, with a half-life on the side, once flattened, winged surroundings, do not open, lk 5 cm diameter, on the maternal side yarig Iebar with thick veins. Seeds mostly 1. Often planted; 1-800 m. Notes: The wood has a color and a very good quality; utilized as building materials and wood furniture. In Maluku this tree produces "root timber" (wortelhout) is good. Skin was used as a drug; tree alive rnengandung blood red liquid. Parts used Bark, sap (resin) and young leaves.

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Carriage (Cordyline fruticosa (L) A. Cheval.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Tuesday, October 16, 2012 0 komentar
Synonyms:Asperagus terminalis L. Cordyline terminalis (L.) Kunth.
Family:Agavaceae (Liliaceae).
Description:Branched shrub, height 2-4 m. Leaves fall to the former ring-shaped leaves. The leaves on the top branches of crowding the spiral arrangement; stalks form gutters, or the shape of the leaf blade lanceolate, 1-13 cm 20-60 times, with a wedge-shaped base and a pointed tip, green or red or Iorek. Panicle flowers in axillary panicles, long-stemmed, branching wide, with large leaves at the base of the protective branches. Child protective leaves at the base of a small flower. Leaf flower tent 6, elongate, length 1.3 cm, 3 extra on the bottom half attached, close to the inside, the top part off and backward curved back. Stamens 6, stuck in the flower tent. Anthers short 3 taju. Fruit buni ± spherical shape, shiny red. Shiny black seeds. From East Asia. In the garden and fence, in the grave; 1-1900 m. Parts used Leaves.

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Alang Alang (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Thursday, October 11, 2012 0 komentar
Alang Alang
(Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.)

Lagurus cylindricus L. , Imperata arundinacea Cirillo.

Description:Stature: herb, grass, edging, 30-180 cm tall. Trunk: rhizome, creeping underground stems forming an inflorescence erect, dense, sparse hair on his book. Leaves: single, base close to each other, strands; ribbon-shaped, sharp pointed tip, straight, coarse, sparse hair, size 12-80 cm. x 35-18 cm. Flowers: composition compound compound grains, rather furl, 6-28 cm long, each branch has two ears, a branch from 2.5 to 5 cm long, flowers 1-3 mm, gluma 1; tip of ciliated, 3-6 veins, Lemma 1 (husk); wide oval, short cilia from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. Lemma 2 (husk), elongated, tapering from 0.5 to 2.5 mm. Palea (Husk), 0.75 to 2 mm. Stamens: anthers 2.5 to 3.5 mm, yellowish white or purple. Pistil: feather-shaped anthers. Fruit: type of rice. Seed: elliptic, 1 mm long. Flowering Time: January to December. Regional distribution, Habitat and Cultivation: In Java grows at altitudes up to 2700 m above sea level, in the areas of open or half-closed; marshes; soils with good aeration: in depleted areas open; river; extensive secondary forest; burnt areas are as a weed in cultivation; gardens and plantations. This plant cultivation can affect other plants, because of the relatively high sodium requirement. Multiplication: multiply by itself. Every time the rhizomes are harvested from plants that have matured. Rhizome pale good, taste sweet and cool. Menuyebabkan reeds can decrease soil pH. The magnitude of decrease in pH and resistance to nitrification showed a positive correlation with the growth of reeds.

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Fragrant Root (Vitiveria zizanioides (L) Nash. Ex, Small)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar
Andropogon zizanioides Urban. Andropogon squarrosus Hackel. Andropogon muricatus Retz.

Poaceae (Gramineae).

Grass chronic, may reach a height of 1 meter. Trunk soft, jointed, white. Single leaf, ribbon shape, pointed tip. Hugging sheath stem, whitish green color. Inflorescence form of grain at the end of the rod. Rice fruit, prickly, dirty white. Roots including root fibers yellow. Parts used Root and essential oil.

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Sweet Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra L,)

Posted by Imam Syafei Tuesday, October 9, 2012 0 komentar

Papilionaceae (Leguminosae).

Crude is still imported, because can not be grown in Indonesia. Parts used Root.

Local Name:
NAME Simplisia Glycyrrhiza Radix, Radix Liquiritae; Root Sweet
Curable Disease:
TYPICAL PROPERTIES Neutralize, sweet taste. USSAGE expectorants, anti-inflammatory, and spasmolitik.

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Ajeran (Bidens pilosa L.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar

Bidens sundaica Blume (1826), Bidens leucorrhiza (Lour.) DC. (1836), Bidens pilosa L. var. minor (Blume) Sherff (1925).
Asteraceae (Compositae).

These herbs include wild plants commonly found in the street. Sometimes planted in the yard, as an ornamental plant. This plant is considered terna, height can reach 150 cm. Rectangular rod, green color. Leaves threes, each oval, serrated edge. Long-stemmed flower, white petals with yellow anthers. Parts used All parts of the plant that is above ground (herbaceous).

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Adem Ati (Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.D. Robins.)

Posted by Imam Syafei 0 komentar
 Litsea chinensis Lamk. Litsea littoralis (L.) Vill.


A tree can reach 10 feet tall. Woody stems and branches. Single leaf, elliptical shape, the color green, and downy. Inflorescence panicle shape, yellowish-white petals. Round fruit, young fruit is green, after the old black. Beige taproot. Parts used Roots, bark, and leaves.

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Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)

Posted by Imam Syafei Monday, October 8, 2012 0 komentar

Curable Disease:
Abdominal pain (heartburn), flatulence, nausea, vomiting, a little milk,; diarrhea, jaundice (jaundice), loss of appetite, cough,; Shortness of breath (asthma), menstrual pain, menstrual tertur, arthritic goat,; Difficult sleeping (insomnia), the testicles descend (orchidoptosis), colic,; intestine down to the groin (inguinal hernia), gallstones,; Swelling of the vas deferens (epididymis); Stockpiling fluid in the scrotal sac (hiodrokel testis); Poisoning medicinal plants or fungi, improve eyesight;

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